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  •  SAM (Sequential Access Memories)
    The Sequential nature means that you (or more likely the hardware involved) will have to read a long sequence of data in order to get to actually data wanted.
    •  Hard-drives - R/W - Fast - Volatile - Magnetic based
    •  USB-keys - R/W - Relative fast - Volatile - Flash ROM based
    •  Floppy-drives - R/W - Slow - Volatile - Magnetic based - (If they still exists)
    •  CD/DVD-Drives - R - Relative fast - Volatile - Optic storage (Can be written as well)
    •  Backup-tapes - R/W - Slow - Volatile - Magnetic based 
  •  RAM (Random Access Memory)
    The Random Access nature means that its possible to get any data within a few (or single) clock-puls.
    •  ROM (Read Only Memory)
      •  Per definition must "real" ROM be factory product - but the term used generally
      •  PROM - A one time user Programmable ROM
      •  EPROM -  Erasable Programmable ROM
      •  EEPROM - Electrically Erasable Programmable ROM
      •  FlashROM -  Fast programmable and more advanced EEPROM technology (Link)

    •  RWM (Read Write Memory) which most people call RAM  (Link1) (Link2)
      • Static RAM can be considered based on D-F/Fs (Link3)
      • Dynamic RAM - A "simple" way to implement memory - a bit stored with one capacitor and one FET transistor - A refresh circuit required. (Link4)
        Lots of new technologies can be found on the market like DDR, DDR2, EDO ect.
      • Dual Port RAM - Basically a Static RAM with two sets of Address and Data-busses