The VHDL source code for
Muxdisplay_ver3 can be found here:
The Toggle_Button3 a State
Machine which controlled by the "Button" input and
removes eventually bouncing from the contact with a
4-bit shiftregister (not part of the State Machine).
The six internal states
produces three outputs:
Toggle: Changes state for each press
of the button.
Deboun: Will be "1" when the button
pressed or else "0" (Debouched button)
Pulse: Like Deboun but will only be "1" for one Clk period after
a press.
This component produces a
"Running light" at the leds in order to present the
1/10 of seconds.
Consider if this
functionality should be placed elsewhere in the
In order to "freeze" the
display for presentation of a Lap-time will the best
solution properly be a x-bit Latch which allows the
time-data to pass by under normal condition and hold
the display each time the Latch high.
Just as an extra feature
would it be nice to have the display-dots perform
some kind of blinking in order to indicate the
different states of the Watch.